• 28-08-2023

Weekly Dividend Payout Notice

Dear Valued Clients,
For the week 28 Aug 2023 – 01 Sep 2023, according to the exchange data, 9 shares had dividend payout event, below are the payout detail.

Week 28 Aug 2023 – 01 Sep 2023
Share CFD Share Code Ex-Date Dividend per Share Currency
Home Depot Inc. #HD


2.09 USD
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. #GS


2.75 USD
McDonald’s Corp. #MCD 31/8/2023 1.52 USD
PepsiCo Inc. #PEP 31/8/2023 1.265 USD
Lockheed Martin Corporation #LMT 31/8/2023 3 USD
eBay Inc. #EBAY 31/8/2023 0.25 USD
Nike Inc. #NKE 1/9/2023 0.34 USD
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited #HKEX 29/8/2023 4.5 HKD

ANTA Sports Products Limited

#ANTASPORTS 4/9/2023 0.82 HKD


* Dividend will deposit to the trading account when the client holding a long position and will deduct from the trading account if the client holding a short position.
* The dividend will calculate at the end of the trade date before Ex-Date
* German CFD stock product will be counted in USD according to the present market EURUSD exchange rate.
* Hong Kong CFD stock product will be counted in USD according to the present market USDHKD / USDCNH  exchange rate.

Please note: Information published above is correct at the time of publication and may be subject to updates and changes without notice.
Thank you for your attention
Yours faithfully,
PP Link Securities