Securities Selling Firm

It Is Even Earlier and More Advantageous to Become Shareholders of To-Be-Listed Companies

Now, you can reserve buying shares of any to-be-listed companies at the IPO stage, with zero commission fee and carefreeness of the ordering process through our service as a Securities Selling Firm. Contact Us Now to Book Shares with Special Advantages.

With our Securities Selling Firm license recognized by Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC), we are able to help you book shares of any companies that will be listed in Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX).

  • Own shares of companies with huge growth potential
  • Get an opportunity to make profit as most share prices on the primary market are cheaper than on the secondary market
  • At the opening session of the first trading day, the shares are allowed to fluctuate within the price limit up to 150% of the IPO price, while normal daily trading prices are limit at a maximum of 10% fluctuation

Through cooperation with our underwriter partner, we PPLS can distribute shares of soon-to-be-listed companies to all potential investors at the IPO stage.