Recently, PP Link Securities (PPLS) noticed that a new FAKE Telegram (Group) has been misusing our company’s English name (PP Link Securities) and the name and image of our employee Mr. Chheang Vireak as group admin (as seen in the posters). Therefore, please confirm that it is a fake account.
To safeguard our valued clients and the public from associating with counterfeit social media accounts or channels, we reiterate that our authentic social media profiles are verified by the names and usernames displayed in the attached posters.
Therefore, other accounts with Names and Usernames, not the same as shown are not our company’s.
In addition, PPLS strictly adheres to the rules and regulations set by the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia. One among others is that no employees or managers can accept the client’s money on their own be-halves for any investment purposes.
Therefore, if any person (who might pose as an employee or manager from our company) asks you to send them money (investment capital), please be aware that they are not affiliated with PPLS.
To protect the public against being deceived further, PPLS is not only calling for cooperation from the public to report suspected cases regarding fraud but also taking legal action to investigate the cases through cooperation with relevant entities to settle such things at all costs.