Press Release by Cambodia Securities Exchange on October 08, 2020, on the Press Conference on Dept Securities Listing Phase II of Phnom Penh Commercial Bank on Cambodia Securities Exchange
On Thursday October 08, 2021, Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Plc. (PPCBank) and Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) hosted Press Conference on PPCBank’s Bond Listing Phase II presided over by H.E. Seang Thirith, Deputy Director General of Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC). The bonds were listed under the name “PPCBank Fx-Indexed Bonds” with the total issuing size of KHR 40 Billion (Approximately USD 10 Million) and 6.5% coupon rate per annum. The bonds have 3 years maturity starting from September 22, 2020 until September 22, 2023.