The second edition of the Stars4Media exchange and training programme is now open for media professionals from different EU countries who wish to develop new editorial products or test innovative ideas. The call for application will run until 1 July 2021.
In order to participate, interested media professionals, journalists and media organisations should read the Call for initiatives and submit an application by the two deadlines: May 1st, 2021 and July 1st, 2021. Following the two opportunities for submission, an independent jury composed of media experts will select the proposals for initiatives which will receive funding.
In addition, Stars4Media provides guidance, coaching and training thanks to a pool of media professionals experts in their field.
More information can be found here.
The EU-funded programme is born with the ambition to make the media sector more sustainable by fostering innovation and quality journalism and building new partnerships between media organisations across Europe. The first edition started at the end of 2019, shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a turbulent year, it successfully supported 105 media professionals from 42 media outlets in 17 European countries.